Episode 46 - Reusable Cups Make You Feel Good But Do Nothing

Episode 46 - Reusable Cups Make You Feel Good But Do Nothing

The weekly C02 footprint of the average cafe in Australia is equal to the C02 output 57 cars.

Do you think your reusable cup is helping to reduce this? It isn't.

A Climate focussed discussion this episode as we ask the question: is Australia's obsession with reusable cups just a big distraction when it comes to the impact of C02 emissions of your favourite cafe?

Chris discusses the most energy-efficient way to brew coffee at home and Aaron tells us that if you love black coffee it's because you're simply genetically predisposed to it. Good news for Filament!

Also in this episode

Coffeenomics: C-Price steady due to the sea breeze.
Health Advice/ Listener Q: How much coffee is too much coffee?
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